Analisa Kerusakan Jalan Wonosari Kecamatan Bengkalis dengan Metode Pavement Condition Index (Pci) dan Bina Marga (Studi Kasus: Jalan Wonosari Barat, Jalan Wonosari Timur, Jalan Wonosari Tengah, Jalan Baru Wonosari)

  • Aidil Suwandi Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Guswandi Guswandi Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Armada Armada Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: The condition of roads, Highways, PCI.


The condition of the road surface is one step to determine the type of program evaluation needs to be done. Two methods can be used in assessing the condition of roads is a method of Highways and PCI method (Pavement Condition Index). This study aimed to compare the condition of road-Meskom Latak bay by two methods. The method used is a field research with primary data in the form of surveys and road damage. The order of priority road handling with Highways method is based on the range of values 0 to more than 7, while the PCI method rank pavement conditions from 0 to 100. Results of analysis of road conditions based PCI namely Jalan Wonosari Wonosari Barat 51 roads were, Middle Wonosari 68 good road conditions, the New Way Wonosari 90 perfect road conditions and East Wonosari 94.38 perfect road conditions while the results of the method of Highways Road West Wonosari, Wonosari Central, Eastern and the New Way Wonosari Wonosari in a state of good condition but require regular maintenance and repair.
