Analisis Pemilihan Moda Transportasi Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Bengkalis-Dumai

  • Sodikin Sodikin Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Marhadi Sastra Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Lizar Lizar Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Selection of Mode, public transportation, private transportation, and Analytic Hierarchy Process


The choice of transportation mode aims to get the most important reasons that affect passengers in choosing the mode of transportation to travel from Bengkalis to Dumai between public transport or private transport and get the best mode of transportation that is the choice of passengers based on the criteria specified in the journey.

The survey was conducted on users of public transport and private transport services at Ro-ro Port and Bandar Laksmana Port starting from 08.00 WIB until 17.00 WIB. With the division of time at 08.00 WIB until 12.00 WIB and 13.00 WIB until 17.00 WIB. The parameters of the respondents to fill the questionnaire are passengers who have used passenge ship and passenger car. The survey results were analyzed by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determine the order of modal choice factors.

The analysis shows that the main factors influencing the choice of transportation mode for Bengkalis-Dumai trip are cost factors (27%), safe factors (25%), time factors (24%), and comfort factors (23%). Judging from various factors, alternative passenger cars are the best alternative, namely (55%) and passenger ships (45%).
