Rancang Bangun Mesin Pengolahan Daun Gambir Menggunakan Sistem Penghancur Daun dan Screw Press

  • Gusti Maulana Rahmat Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Paisal Paisal Politeknik Negeri Padang
  • Yuli Yetry Politeknik Negeri Padang
Keywords: Gambir, Crushing System, Screw Press System, Machine


Gambir is dried leaves and twigs extracts of uncaria gambir roxb plants. Gambir is not only an additional ingredient for chewing but, it is also used in various beverage, cosmetics, medicine, and other industries. Until now, to use boiled gambir leaves, only use makeshift equipment such as a few pieces of wood and jack tools. The use of technology in the processing of gambir generally in West Sumatra, especially in the South Coastal District, is still backward. To simplify the processing, the Gambir Leaf Processing Machine is designed using a Leaf Crushing System and a Screw Press is mechanically driven by a fuel / electric motor. This machine works not only as a leaf lubricant while pressing the gambir leaves so that it can remove the sap. This tool is designed as a solution that can later facilitate the processing of gambier, so as to increase the effectiveness of farmers in processing gambir in terms of time and energy spent. This machine consists of two systems, namely the crushing and screw press systems. The chopping and screw press system is in the form of a tube, each of which has a diameter of 500 mm x 700 mm in length and 78 mm in diameter x 600 mm in length. based on the tests performed, then the pressing machine capacity is obtained(Q)=4.28m3⁄hours.
