Sensor Arus dan Sensor Tegangan Untuk Monitoring Energi Listrik

  • Muhammad Wahyudi
  • Jefri Lianda
Keywords: SCT 013-000 sensor, ZMPT101b sensor, electrical energy monitoring


Electricity growth continues to increase from time to time in line with the increase in economic activities and community welfare. The increase in the growth of electrical energy will certainly deplete the existing non-renewable energy sources if their utilization is not effective and efficient. In the use of electrical energy, sometimes it is not known how much energy has been used so that energy tends to be wasted. Therefore, to determine the amount of electrical energy that is being used, it is necessary to measure the use of electrical energy. The purpose of this study is to facilitate the measurement of voltage and current. The method used in this study is to read the current and voltage values and display on LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), and Arduino is the main controller to read the value of the voltage sensor and current sensor. The sensors used are the ZMPT101B and SCT 013-000 sensors. Measurement results with prototypes with an average error for voltage measurement reached 1.5%, and current measurement was 3.45%, and for accuracy was 95.05%.
